NZ1J kicked off the MARC Fox Hunts back in the spring of 2020 as a way to fight quarantine boredom and keep up club morale during Covid, since we couldn’t have in-person meetings. Except during a holiday or inclement weather, MARC has had a weekly Fox Hunt since.
MARC’s ‘Live’ hunt is every Sunday in Wallingford
Look for an email with frequency and other information a day or so before each hunt.
There is no central starting location. Hunts begin at 9:30 a.m. and end at 11 a.m. (unless otherwise specified).
There are two main methods of Fox Hunting – Directional Antennas, such as a Yagi, and the “Doppler,” or “Time Difference of Arrival” method. Hunters often use a three-element “tape measure” Yagi and an HT with a good S meter. Even simpler antennas, such as a dipole, can lead to success.
For those with pretty sharp Fox Hunting skills, the Bears of Manchester, CT hide a 2 watt “Fox Box,” which can be searched for at any time. The box is activated by transmitting a PL tone and a DTMF “1.” The Bears have an email reflector to stay in touch.
We now have several Fox Boxes as well. These are often deployed on a Sunday.
The links below will get you to information about direction finders and Fox Hunts, including our own.
Here are some links to Fox Hunting information
- N1ZN’s Fox Hunt PowerPoint
- WB2HOL Projects
- Homingin.com, a radio direction finding (RDF) website
- Information from ARRL
- Phased Array
- Attenuator Kit
- Photo and diagram of 1mW Fox Transmitter
- Photos of MARC Fox Hunters
- Video of a Fox Hunt
- Fox Hunting Tutorial Video

This is a home brew “Doppler” type radio direction finder. Two full size 2 meter dipoles are spaced 12 inches apart. A circuit switches between the antennas at an audio frequency. The switching creates phase modulation on the attached receiver. The receiver produces a tone except when the antennas are oriented to both be the same distance from the transmitter. The null in the tone indicates the direction to the transmitter. The circuit also detects the phase of the tone and indicates direction with LEDs. Two Radio Direction Finders: