Meriden Amateur Radio Club officers for 2025 are:

President – Raymond, KC1QLS –
Ray was first licensed in 2022 and now holds license class Amateur Extra. He especially enjoys radio ballooning, POTA, and learning more about satellites, electronics and the science behind the hobby. “I enjoy the camaraderie and the fun getting together with active club members. Equally as important to me is the sharing of hobby knowledge and experiences with fellow members.”
Ray was first licensed in 2022 and now holds license class Amateur Extra. He especially enjoys radio ballooning, POTA, and learning more about satellites, electronics and the science behind the hobby. “I enjoy the camaraderie and the fun getting together with active club members. Equally as important to me is the sharing of hobby knowledge and experiences with fellow members.”

Vice President – Dave, NZ1J –
Dave was first licensed in 1986 and is now license class Amateur Extra. “POTA is my favorite activity. One saying about POTA is, ‘Field Day every day.’ I’m also involved in a lot of Fox Hunts and, recently, working satellites. I really love group activities. More and more club members are getting interested in POTA, and a group will meet to activate a park pretty often. We also meet for Fox Hunts and to work satellites. We’re lucky to have Wharton Brook right in Wallingford.”
Dave was first licensed in 1986 and is now license class Amateur Extra. “POTA is my favorite activity. One saying about POTA is, ‘Field Day every day.’ I’m also involved in a lot of Fox Hunts and, recently, working satellites. I really love group activities. More and more club members are getting interested in POTA, and a group will meet to activate a park pretty often. We also meet for Fox Hunts and to work satellites. We’re lucky to have Wharton Brook right in Wallingford.”

Treasurer – Rick, KC1OYN –
Rick was first licensed as a Novice in 1980, then licensed anew in March 2021. He attained General two months later. “I enjoy ham radio because it offers a unique means of communication and a deep dive into electronics,” Rick says. “The community aspect is also significant, as it connects me with like-minded individuals. Additionally, it is a valuable tool for emergency preparedness. The sense of achievement, along with continuous learning, is invaluable, fun, and educational.”
Rick was first licensed as a Novice in 1980, then licensed anew in March 2021. He attained General two months later. “I enjoy ham radio because it offers a unique means of communication and a deep dive into electronics,” Rick says. “The community aspect is also significant, as it connects me with like-minded individuals. Additionally, it is a valuable tool for emergency preparedness. The sense of achievement, along with continuous learning, is invaluable, fun, and educational.”

Secretary – James, AB1DQ – Secretary@W1NRG.comJames was first licensed as a Technician in 2002 as KB1IAR. He currently holds an Amateur Extra license. “I mostly love melting solder, building kits, scratch-building, and servicing radios and other station gear. When on the air, I enjoy hunting and activating POTA; my preferred operating mode is CW, although I’ve never mastered head-copy. I love the camaraderie at MARC. It feels like family, and Saturday mornings at the OEM are the best, when I can start my weekend by meeting up with other hams who share my love of radio and learning more about radio from fellow members who bring their projects for show and tell.”

Station Activities Manager – Rob Cichon, K1RCT –
Rob got his first license (General) in 2012 and is now license class Extra. Rob says his maternal grandfather fostered his love of the outdoors and radio. “The glow of the tubes and wondering how the heck Grandpa talked to his buddies on that thing got me hooked,” Rob says. “I made electronics my hobby, then profession. Now it’s back as my vocation in this club. I found a place where I can give back as much as the hobby has given me.”
Rob got his first license (General) in 2012 and is now license class Extra. Rob says his maternal grandfather fostered his love of the outdoors and radio. “The glow of the tubes and wondering how the heck Grandpa talked to his buddies on that thing got me hooked,” Rob says. “I made electronics my hobby, then profession. Now it’s back as my vocation in this club. I found a place where I can give back as much as the hobby has given me.”