On Saturday July 27th, the Meriden Amateur Radio Club-Wallingford Amateur Radio Group, in conjunction with the Wallingford Office of Emergency Management, The Handihams Organization, and the West Haven VA Hospital Radio Club, hosted an information session to introduce visually impaired military veterans to the hobby of amateur radio.This event was primarily coordinated by MARC member Ray Irwin WA1FFT. Ray is also Vice President of the West Haven VA Radio Club and a military veteran. Ray enlisted the help of HandiHams Betsy Doane K1EIC, Barbara Lombardi K1EIR and MARC member Anne West K1STM. All three are blind and have been lifelong active hams. The Handiham Program is non-profit organization that helps persons with any combination of physical and sensory disabilities by providing tools, technology and education to become effective amateur operators.The event was initiated by Lisa-Anne Mowerson who heads up the blind assistance program at the VA. Lisa’s husband Scott KC1IIK and son Matt WA1CJA are MARC-WARG membersOther members of MARC-WARG also assisted in the presentation which included Echolink, introduction to CW and a tour of the radio station at the OEM, with live on air contacts with other hams. This event was attended by Wallingford Mayor Cervoni who also addressed the group assembled and Emergency Management Deputy Director Len Guercia.

The West Haven VA is one of several VA centers nationwide that provides training and assistance to blind veterans and the VA provides assistance to military veterans in many other ways as well.

Many thanks go out to several people in the 2 radio clubs who helped with the program presentation:

MARC President W1YSM, MARC SAM, K1RCT, ARRL Section Manager elect WA1SFH, KC1STF, K1LYP, MARC Treasurer KC1OYN, MARC VP KB1JL, MARC Outreach Coordinator KC1ISI, VEC N1ZN, N1BRL, AB1DQ, VA Radio club President KB1YCA, and other club members and VA staff who helped put the program together and transport the veterans to the OEM building

This was but one example of what MARC-WARG can do to help the community and actively work with other local radio clubs to that purpose. This has the potential to be an ongoing outreach program and expand to other areas where amateur radio emergency communications can be beneficial to veterans in need.

Submitted By:

Eric KB1JL

Mayor Cervoni addressing the group
Mayor Cervoni addressing the group
John K1LYP providing a tour of the radio shack
John K1LYP providing a tour of the radio shack
Jim N1ZN explaining accommodations for the VE Exam and licensing
Jim N1ZN explaining accommodations for the VE Exam and licensing
Betsy K1EIC, Barbara K1EIR and Anne K1STM after demonstrating Morse Code to the group.
Betsy K1EIC, Barbara K1EIR and Anne K1STM

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