
MARC Elections

As a reminder, MARC elections will take place on November 14. The nomination period began at our October meeting and will remain open until October 31 at midnight. Your 2024 Election Committee will be available to you throughout this election cycle. We ask that you contact us at our special election email address which is

Pursuant to our bylaws, elections for officers are held in November of each year for a term of one year to begin January 1.

Election procedures were printed in October’s KeyKlix. We encourage you to review this month’s issue and be on the lookout for the November issue which will include candidate statements as well as additional election information.

As of now, the following candidates will stand for election:


  • Ray Cirmo
  • Ed Snyder (incumbent)

Vice President:

  • Stan Hiriak
  • Dave Tipping


  • Note: As of now, we have no candidates standing for election. As a reminder, MARC meetings are recorded so note taking is not particularly onerous.


  • Rick Becker (incumbent)

Station Activities Manager:

  • Rob Cichon (incumbent)



MARC’s Ham of the Year and Elmer of the Year are MARC’s most esteemed awards and represent the highest honors bestowed by the membership.

The MARC Ham of the Year recognizes outstanding service to MARC and the amateur service at large in the most idealistic sense.

The Adolph Goodsell (W1ICQ) Elmer of the Year honors the mentor of new and not so new operators to enjoy amateur radio to its fullest.


We have been in touch with members of Communications/Outreach Committee and our Treasurer to ensure that MARC Members have a valid email on file.

As a reminder, it is an FCC requirement for every Ham to update their email address and be accessible via email. Similarly, each Ham needs to work with us to ensure your email information is up to date. You are responsible for checking your email through the election day.

Once again, we will use the Election Buddy Software System to tally the votes. This Program was used in the past and evaluated by Steve KC1SA. It successfully supported our election process in 2023.


On election day Thursday November 14, the Election Committee will send a ballot to all MARC Members in good standing via Election Buddy. The ballot will list all members who have agreed to stand for election to the various positions and will include a space for you to write in your nominees for Ham of the Year and Elmer of the Year.

Voting will begin at 12:01am and end at 11:59 pm. If a member does not receive a ballot by 8 am on November 14, please email the Elections Committee immediately.


• The Elections Committee will release the results on November 15 by approximately 9am

• Elmer and HAM of the year winners will be announced at the MARC Christmas party on Thursday December 5

Please be in touch with questions and let us know if you wish to nominate a member for an officer position (their permission is required before we can place them on the ballot).


Your Election Committee

Ellen Cosgrove KC1TSM (chair)

Jim Cook W3APC

Elsie Mathews KB1IFZ


On Saturday July 27th, the Meriden Amateur Radio Club-Wallingford Amateur Radio Group, in conjunction with the Wallingford Office of Emergency Management, The Handihams Organization, and the West Haven VA Hospital Radio Club, hosted an information session to introduce visually impaired military veterans to the hobby of amateur radio.This event was primarily coordinated by MARC member Ray Irwin WA1FFT. Ray is also Vice President of the West Haven VA Radio Club and a military veteran. Ray enlisted the help of HandiHams Betsy Doane K1EIC, Barbara Lombardi K1EIR and MARC member Anne West K1STM. All three are blind and have been lifelong active hams. The Handiham Program is non-profit organization that helps persons with any combination of physical and sensory disabilities by providing tools, technology and education to become effective amateur operators.The event was initiated by Lisa-Anne Mowerson who heads up the blind assistance program at the VA. Lisa’s husband Scott KC1IIK and son Matt WA1CJA are MARC-WARG membersOther members of MARC-WARG also assisted in the presentation which included Echolink, introduction to CW and a tour of the radio station at the OEM, with live on air contacts with other hams. This event was attended by Wallingford Mayor Cervoni who also addressed the group assembled and Emergency Management Deputy Director Len Guercia.

The West Haven VA is one of several VA centers nationwide that provides training and assistance to blind veterans and the VA provides assistance to military veterans in many other ways as well.

Many thanks go out to several people in the 2 radio clubs who helped with the program presentation:

MARC President W1YSM, MARC SAM, K1RCT, ARRL Section Manager elect WA1SFH, KC1STF, K1LYP, MARC Treasurer KC1OYN, MARC VP KB1JL, MARC Outreach Coordinator KC1ISI, VEC N1ZN, N1BRL, AB1DQ, VA Radio club President KB1YCA, and other club members and VA staff who helped put the program together and transport the veterans to the OEM building

This was but one example of what MARC-WARG can do to help the community and actively work with other local radio clubs to that purpose. This has the potential to be an ongoing outreach program and expand to other areas where amateur radio emergency communications can be beneficial to veterans in need.

Submitted By:

Eric KB1JL

Mayor Cervoni addressing the group
Mayor Cervoni addressing the group
John K1LYP providing a tour of the radio shack
John K1LYP providing a tour of the radio shack
Jim N1ZN explaining accommodations for the VE Exam and licensing
Jim N1ZN explaining accommodations for the VE Exam and licensing
Betsy K1EIC, Barbara K1EIR and Anne K1STM after demonstrating Morse Code to the group.
Betsy K1EIC, Barbara K1EIR and Anne K1STM

TA-DA: The new and improved!

Welcome to the (new) Meriden Amateur Radio Club website! This was a long time in the works and I know there were many that doubted it could be done, but the Outreach Committee appreciates all the support the club members have shown us during the last 8 months, we have done our best to implement many of the suggestions that came our way.

Please be patient with us as we’re still fine-tuning and adding new features to the site to better serve you.

In the meantime have a look around and explore the various activities MARC is involved with and the resources that we have available.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for or have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at

–The Communications and Community Outreach Committee

WELCOME: Welcome to the W1NRG MARC Blog

This is the home page for our blog, which we expect will contain periodic updates from our officers and others. Bookmark it to stay up to date!

Readers don’t need to create a log in, but there are some benefits. Non-club members can comment on this blog if they create a log in. Club members can use a log in to comment on the blog and also to access the Members Area.

See the Registration page for more information and to create an account.