The Frank Darmofalski (W1FD) Memorial Scholarship

Frank Darmofalski smiles warmly, seated at a steel desk that is his home ham radio station.
Frank Darmofalski W1FD

Born in 1917 in Middletown, Frank Darmofalski was a lifelong Meriden resident. He got his first amateur radio license at 15. Frank was a founder and the first president of the Meriden Amateur Radio Club (1948), an Emergency Coordinator for the Amateur Radio Relay League (AARL), and a Director of Communications for the American Red Cross (Meriden) and Meriden Emergency Corps.

Frank taught Novice and General amateur radio classes for the Wallingford Adult Education Department. He was a licensed FCC examiner. He was instrumental in establishing The MARC Scholarship Fund to promote education in communications and electronics.  The MARC Scholarship Fund is now The Frank Darmofalski (W1FD) Memorial Scholarship Fund in his honor.

About the Scholarship

Meriden Amateur Radio Club, Inc
P.O. Box 583
Meriden, CT 06450

The Meriden Amateur Radio Club (MARC) is pleased to announce its 2025 Frank Darmofalski Memorial Scholarship. The scholarship was created in 2006 to honor one of the club’s founders, Frank Darmofalski (W1FD), and awards a deserving Meriden or Wallingford High School senior who will be attending an institution of higher learning upon graduation. The amount of the scholarship in 2025 is $1,000.00.

MARC is a special service club of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) which is an organization that oversees amateur (ham) radio in the United States. MARC is made up of licensed amateur radio operators of all ages who enjoy the hobby of radio and who also volunteer their services for community and emergency events.

Applicants should be pursuing higher education in a STEM-related field with an emphasis on electronics and/or communications. We encourage ALL interested students to apply. Special consideration will be given to any student who holds an amateur radio license.

Applicant Requirements:

  • Must be graduating in 2025 from a high school in Meriden or Wallingford, CT and accepted or planning to attend an accredited institution in the Fall of 2025.
  • Priority will be given to applicants enrolled in a STEM track or curriculum.
  • Transcripts must be submitted.
  • A written essay of 250 words (minimum) on why they selected their program of study and what they plan to do with it upon graduation/program completion.
  • Open to all regardless of race, religion, sex, or national origin.

Awards will be based upon the following criteria:

  • Academic grades
  • Financial need
  • Area of study
  • Public service activities
  • Electronic projects

The application, grade transcripts, and 250 (minimum) word essay should be submitted no later than April 12, 2025, to the P.O. Box above or via email to

Jim Savage, N1ZN
MARC Scholarship Chair


Ray Cirmo, KC1QLS
MARC President